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Punjab sect misuses Sikh faith and declares new religion

Tue, Feb 02, 2010 9:15:02

By Balbir Singh Sooch, Advocate, Ludhiana-Sikh Vichar Manch

New Religion would forever be Irrelevant in the Context of Our Relation and the Oneness.

One of my close associates in a friendly discussion with me, Mr. Ansari was repenting in 1972-1973 while we were in Srinagar that due to the tyranny of Aurangzeb, Sikhism came into existence. For the reason, we, moderate Muslims dislike Aurangzeb comparing to Akbar even today.

Whereas, I was stressing that the Sikhism is equality based religion and the Godly gifted to entire world.

Similarly, Sikhs especially elderly ones would always remember moderately in the manner ‘Ravidassia Dharm’ as only a creation of a mistake of our a few boys who fired and thereby, killing of Sant Ramananad in Vienna on May 24, 2009.

Though, the motive behind the attack is still not known and Austrian police are still investigating the case.

A move of creation of ‘Ravidassia Dharm’ was more political than religious on the behest or at the instance of some anti-Sikh forces.

The Ravidassias as enlightened Sikhs do understand this all under the system and would never be mislead.

Otherwise, Sikhs shall never disown Ravidass, a saint of the Bhakti movement and his followers and his baani as our Guru, the part of Sri Guru Granth Sahib and the Guru Granth Sahib was always recited by Ravidassias in Ravidass Gurdwaras as the voice (baani) of Guru Ravidass.

The motive behind the attack and the creation of ‘Ravidassia Dharm’ would forever be irrelevant in the context of our relation and the oneness.


The Politics of Religious Claim

Tue, Feb 02, 2010 9:12:40

The declaration of new religion was like only claim of a minor son, a share out of his father’s property during his life time.

For example, here Dera (One of the Deras) is like a minor son and to be taken legally so and the father’s property be considered ‘Sri Guru Granth Sahib’.

he Samaj Bachao Morcha (SBM) is against such politically motivated a minor’s religious claim disowning Sri Guru Granth Sahib. 

The SBM convener objected to the creation of a separate religion for the Ravidass community. SBM convener Gian Chand further said the members of the Ravidass community were not bound to accept the decision to create a separate religion taken in Banaras as reported.

The Sikh Vichar Manch failed to understand as to why Ambedkar Sena activists started raising slogans against the Samaj Bachao Morcha (SBM)?

It was an open fact that Ambedkar Sena activists are always claiming themselves belonging to Budhism after Ambekar Sahib and they disown to be called the Ravidassias or linked with any such sect based on the teachings of Guru Ravidass.

But, Budhism has nothing to do with violence, whereas, in this case, Ambedkar Sena activists seem to be only trouble creator, creating law and order problem in order to and in favour to divide the society and the religion on political lines and are out to spread hatred for the political reasons in violation of the teachings of great Budha.

Isn’t so? Who is behind these all happenings?

 Balbir Singh Sooch, Advocate, Ludhiana

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