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National Human Rights Commission:
A Shameful Incident

Hon’ble Justice A.S.Anand.

The Chairperson,

National Human Rights Commission,

Sardar Patel Bhavan; Parliament Street;

New Delhi-110001  

In Re:

File Number: Full commission case No. 428/19/2003-2004/FC is not with public database.

Full Commission Case No. 428/19/2003-2004/FC

National Human Rights Commission

(Law Division-I)  

Sub: Complaint from Sh. Balbir Singh Sooch, Advocate, Ludhiana (Punjab).  


The aforesaid case is not displayed on the NHRC Website, may be due to some error, therefore, your honor is requested to check and accordingly pass directions to that effect. I enclose the details of the case, which is forwarded to honour with additional facts (Enclosure-1) and Press, for your ready reference as under:  

Copy to Press for Publication-of

Full Commission Case No. 428/19/2003-2004/FC

National Human Rights Commission

(Law Division-I)

Detail along with the Copies of complaint, letter received from the National Human

Rights Commission,

Sardar Patel Bhavan; Parliament Street;  

NEW-DELHI-110001 and its reply i.e, additional facts( Enclosure 1 & 2) are given as under:

No. 428/19/2003-2004/FC

National Human Rights Commission

(Law Division-I)

Sunil Arora,

Asstt. Registrar (Law)

Tel: No. 336 2540

Fax No. 336 6537

14th Novmember, 2003  

The District Magistrate,



Sub: Complaint from Sh. Balbir Singh Sooch, Advocate, resident of ` 12333/1, Street No. 12, Vishvakarma Colony, Ludhiana, Punjab.  


The complaint dated 14/9/2003, was placed before the Commission on 27/10/2003. Upon perusing the complaint, the Commission directed as follows:  

Copy of the complaint be forwarded to District Magistrate, Ludhiana for this comments within four weeks.  

2. Accordingly, I am forwarding herewith a copy of the complaint for furnishing your comments with four weeks from the date of receipt of this letter.

Yours faithfully,


(Asstt. Registrar)

Encl: as above. Copy to:

Shri Balbir Singh Sooch,



Hon’ble Justice A.S.Anand.

The Chairperson,

National Human Rights Commission,

Sardar Patel Bhavan; Parliament Street;


IN RE: By Speed Post -Full Commission Case No. 428/19/2003-2004/FC
National Human Rights Commission (Law Division-I)  

Subject: Complaint from Sh. Balbir Singh Sooch, Advocate, resident of House No. 12333/1, Street No. 12, Vishvakarma Colony, Behind Sangeet Cinema, Ludhiana-141003, Punjab.  

Submission :Sikh Boy Made Impotent- Request & Relief: Action & ensure safety of other children who are helpless & in custody of so called saints running the Akharas, Deras etc in India in connivance with the respective governments and it seems Union Of India & its agencies are actively involved in such inhuman & cruel acts.

In further Continuation of my Complaint in the subject 


In response to your letter/ case No. 428/19/2003-2004/FC- National Human Rights Commission (Law Division-I) dated 14th November, 2003 addressed to learned The District Magistrate, Ludhiana, for his comments within four weeks and copy of which was also received by me.  

I am submitting additional facts contained in enclosure-1 for your suitable and necessary action in the matter.  

Enclosure-1 (Additional facts)

Enclosure-2 (copy of main complaint for ready reference only)

Dated: 14-12-2003

Yours faithfully,

Balbir Singh Sooch, Advocate, LUDHIANA

Human Rights Activist

Please Note: This application is already sent to National Human Rights Commission by SPEED POST vide receipt no. SP-POD EE7812270941N dated: 14-12-2003 and through email on 14-12-2003 for record & convenience.


So-called Sant Balwant Singh, Sihore-wale as a government agent detaching Sikhs from Sikhism under the garb of welfare of children, social activities and Sikh religion etc and grabbing properties in India, in fact, adversely effecting children, the root of Indian society. 

Under the garb of Udasi sect, Sant Balwant Singh, Sihore-wale is playing the role of detaching the Sikhs from Sikhism. But no one is ready to open his mouth against this so-called saint, because he has his connections in the government/ administration. The approach of the saint is aligned with the Hindutva instead of accepting basic philosophy of Gurbani in its original form. By projecting him as aligned with Guru Granth Sahib, this saint feels successful in misleading the innocent Sangat to follow them.  

Commenting on the Gurbani shalokes with his self-centred approach, he achieves indulgence of the faithful in the vicious circle of superstitions. He falsely attempts fulfilling wishes of the faithful by invoking super natural powers with the Ridhis-Sidhis, Jantar-Mantar and threads-Taweet. He gets high prices from the faithful by giving them consecrated amomum (ilaichis) incense (dhoop) and water supposedly useful for the works, like granting freedom from body diseases progeny to issue-less couples, sons to son-desiring persons, prosperity in business and promotion in service etc. and then deliver sermons and discourses.  

Against the teachings of Gurbani, the Saint believes more in personality cult, concept of faith in living Guru, Statue worship, image worship and ‘Ridhis and Sidhis’ the examples of which are commonly seen in his Deras managed also by his trained disciples. The sight of paintings/pictures of the departed Saints, hanging on walls along side the images of the Gurus is common in the Deras. These framed pictures of the departed Saints are garlanded and worshipped by lighting lamps and incensing rituals. Drenched in superstitions propounded by these saints, the faithfuls, instead of bowing before Sri Guru Granth Sahib, are made to bow even before these pictures/ paintings, often flowers and perform incensing rites.  

This saint also bows before the tombs and samadhs of departed saints and their bonfires to instill a feeling in the faithful for getting their wishes fulfilled by paying obeisance before the Samadhs, which is not in keeping with the spirit of Sikhism.  

Entangled in superstitious, he talks of miracles also

During kirtan, this saint sits on the same stage or carpet where holy Sri Granth Guru Sahib is placed while their disciples and innocent followers perform the service of airing with hand fans, thereby tending to prove that he alone is the medium for the attainment of the Almighty God.  

In the benign presence of Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji, he is seen permitting the faithful to bow before statues etc, issuing sermons for fulfillment of wishes and imparting Guru-Mantras to disciples and followers. During kirtan, this saint clandestinely lays stress on those lines of Gurbani - Sri Guru Granth Sahib which glorify saints so that the innocent people misconceive the belief that this saint is the only source of reaching and meeting the God, Akal Purakh.  

There are commonly heard stories of this saint engaged in anti-Sikh activities in the guise of promoting Sikhism, besides grabbing properties. The incident that occurred at Bhagwan Sri Chand Bhawan Kuli Kalan (Ludhiana), is an open example of such activities of Sant Balwant Singh, Sihore-wale, who otherwise pretends himself as benefactor of Sikhism.  

According to Sant Baba Charan Dass Sevadar Late Mahant Baba Heera Dass, the details of this incident are as under:

“After the demise of Mahant Heera Dass, Bhagwan Sri Chand ji Bhawan, Kuli Kalan, search was on to find a successor for enthronement. During this period, Sant Balwant Singh, Sihore-wale, selected a baptized Sikh, Bhai Baljit Singh s/o S. Sadhu Singh, of village Kuli Kalan, District Ludhiana.  

“This very saint had ‘baptized’ Bhai Baljit Singh and given him consecrated water (amrit) to drink. Before the ceremony of enthronement, 101 Sahij Paths were performed at this Dera, the last of the series having concluded on 22 February 1994. Thereupon a series of 101 Akhand Paths were held and the last of which was concluded with bhog ceremony on 13 September 1994.  

“On November 13, Bhai Baljit Singh was made to sit beside bonfire (Dhooni) at Samadh (tomb) of Mahant Heera Dass, while 111 so-called Saints witnessing to this ceremony. They had reached this dera along with thousands of residents of the area and other faithfuls led by many band parties. During this, Sant Balwant Singh, Sihore-wale, started Ceremony of enthronement by first cutting a puff of hairs from the head of Bhai Baljit Singh and then, one by one, as dispossessing of his symbols of Sikh religion i.e. under-wear (kachherra), comb, sword and karra (bracelet of metal) wrist.  

“He was then nominated Mahant of the Dera after renaming him as Baba Baljit Dass from Bhai Baljit Singh. Baba Baljit Dass also confirmed that, “faithful of the Gurbani i.e Sri Guru Granth Sahib did not like this and they left the place. Even now, the incident is recalled with disgust by the residents of the area.”  

Upon nomination as Mahant of the Dera after his degradation from Sikhism this so-called saint told Baba Baljit Dass, “son, you have now become an udasi sant. You have to recite ‘Aalkh Niranjan’ instead of ‘Satnam Waheguru’ and have to go from door to door calling for alms.”  

Then the residents of the area were contacted to know their views about this incident. They disclosed that the resentment is simmering in the hearts of Gursikh residents of the area, against this act of the self - styled Saint/ contractor of Sikh religion. But no one is ready to open his mouth against this so-called saint, because he has his connections in the government/ administration.  

As far as Sikhism is concerned, this above incident has proved as to how much closer or how far away from it, is this ‘Saint’ and his inhumanly trained disciples/ children, who otherwise boast of being the preachers of Sikhism. Who is behind this hateful act of degrading a baptized Singh? The so-called saint knows all about it. It is a matter of great concern as to how the children are being spoiled for weakening the Indian society throughout India by so-called saints and can not be without the knowledge of the central government and its agencies.  

(These facts are collected from the confirmed sources including report of Special Correspondent, published in- Qaumantri Panj Darya / January, 1995)  


Hon’ble Justice A.S.Anand.

The Chairperson,

National Human Rights Commission,

Sardar Patel Bhavan; Parliament Street;


IN RE: Submission :Sikh Boy Made Impotent- Request and Relief: Action and ensure safety of other children who are helpless and in custody of so called saints running the Akharas, Deras etc in India in connivance with the respective governments and it seems Union Of India and its agencies are actively involved in such inhuman and cruel acts.  

In Continuation of the Complaint sent through email on the Subject  


I am forwarding a copy of the complaint dated: 22-8-2003 for favour of consideration and necessary suitable action.  

2. That on 13-9-2003 in the morning about 25-30 persons along with Sh. Talib Singh Sandhu Ex-MLA and one advocate Narinder Singh Gill came at my residence to pressurize me not to pursue this complaint any further as they are all followers of Sant Balwant Singh otherwise to face consequences.  

3. That Jaswant Singh then Jhanda Singh then Jhanda Dass now Amritdhari Sikh was also brought by them and visibly appeared to be under some threat and feeling disturbed & unsafe.  

4. That in the evening on the same day two successive telephone calls from a lady claiming herself to be the wife of said advocate, a follower of Sant Balwant Singh since her childhood were received and she also requested me not to pursue the complaint any further. On my showing inability to do so, she gave veiled threats to face the wrath of crowd of ladies brought by her to force me to follow their dictates.

5. That thereafter two successive telephone calls, on the same night, from unknown persons were received by me near about 9 PM pressurizing me not to proceed with the complaint otherwise they would bring a crowd of one hundred persons at my residence to settle with me, but I advised them not tread such a path.

 6, That I expect more such calls with threats in the coming days.  

It, therefore, prayed that suitable action be taken in all respects and effective measures may be taken as earlier as possible to ensure justice in the matter.  

Dated: 14-9-2003  

Yours faithfully,  

Balbir Singh Sooch, Advocate

Hon’ble Justice A.S.Anand. ]

The Chairperson,

National Human Rights Commission,  

Sardar Patel Bhavan; Parliament Street;

Submission :Sikh Boy Made Impotent- Request & Relief: Action & ensure safety of other children who are helpless & in custody of so called saints running the Akharas, Deras etc in India in connivance with the respective governments and it seems Union Of India & its agencies are actively involved in such inhuman& cruel acts.  


I am sending to your honour a complaint illustrating as to how brain washing is being done of poor children, taken from poor parents or otherwise for ulterior motive and such children are also being made useless/impotent later on to lead their lives as sadhus. One Jaswant Singh then Jhanda Singh then Jhanda Dass told me his painful, shameful story under great fear on the condition that he further should not become victim & remaining children must be saved from the so called saints running Akharas,deras etc. I assured him to take up his sufferings before the public and before your honour for kind consideration and meaningful immediate action.  

I like to put up his painful aspect also in English for your convenience before your honour under the head,  

My Great India!!!!  

A painful and horrifying true story of how a son of a Sikh family was made impotent by forcefully keeping him standing in Ganga waters by Sadhus of an Akhara and a vivid picture of Government’s apathy.  

Don’t think it as a solitary instance of a dreadful self-explanatory story. Rather a few of so-called Sadhus in Punjab, known as saints, have direct links with Sadhu Akharas at Haridwar. They are spoiling the lives of thousands of children hailing from poor families. Are these dears running this vituperative and inhuman business without the patronage of government and the knowledge of intelligence agencies.

A Sikh family of S. Lal Singh S/o S. Jagat Singh lives in Village Baghaur, Tehsil Khanna, District Ludhiana. S. Lal Singh and his wife are proud parents of four sons, namely, Tara Singh, Gulzar Singh, Dalbara Singh, Jaswant Singh; and five daughters, namely, Taro Kaur, Gulzar Kaur, Manjit Kaur, Ranjit Kaur and Maya Kaur. All the girls are married now. The family does not own any agricultural land. The preaching of Sikh religion has remained the only source of their income. Being a Sikh family, they have remained committed to Sikh religion. And the family wanted Jaswant Singh, the youngest of their four sons, also to follow the Sikh religious path.  

God knows how, suddenly, certain Sadhus came to know of it and they put up a plan before the family to take along and keep Jaswant Singh with them. The family knew nothing about the vicious circle of the Sadhus. On their request, out of devotion, the Sikh family allowed Jaswant Singh to go with the Sadhus. Primary education upto 5th standard, was taken up by Jaswant Singh at Village Baghaur only. After that (Sant Baba) Balwant Singh of Sidhsar Sahorha Sahib, got admitted Jaswant Singh to Government Middle School at Village Rasulara, where he studied upto 8th class. He was prohibited from studying English language. Then Jaswant Singh was renamed as Jhanda Singh by Balwant Singh (Sant Baba Sahaura Sahib).  

Balwant Singh (Sant Baba Sihore-wale (Sahaura) Sahib) has direct connections with Sadhu Akharas at Haridwar. Balwant Singh keeps thousands of such children at different places. Jaswant Siungh, who has been given new name of Jhanda Singh, was left at Sadhus Registered Akhara, viz., “Sri Panchawati Akhara Naya Udaseen” Jhanda Singh is horrified to explain what is going on there. When he was asked as to why was he so terrified about the doings of Sadhus and whether he was not sure that someone may get justice to him and other children like him by taking the truth of their grievances and pains to public? Jhanda Singh at once said that it was true. He said that he had lost hope after undergoing unbearable difficulties and painful conditions while staying with Sadhus though he fervently wished to save other children who were still languishing there.  

Jhanda Singh took up a little courage and in response to a notice (served on him), narrated the following merciless, shameful and monumentally inhuman treatment out of his tortured and agonized life:-  

“That the narrator has remained homeless and helpless right from the time of his initiation (at the age of ten). At present, the age of the narrator is about 30 years. My parents wanted me to be a Sikh preacher. But when the Sadhus of ‘Shri Panchawati Akhara Naya Udaseen’ Head Office Kankhal (Haridwar) came to know of it, they took me from my parents, for their Akhara. I was made to meditate right from the age of ten years. At last, during the year 1995, I was made to stand in Ganga waters; Sadhus while reciting hymns continued strangulating my testicles time and again this way and that way until I was made totally impotent and hapless so as to make me a permanent Sadhu.  

“After a lapse of some period, Akhara Sadhus got me registered at Register No.37, File No.1-799 giving my name as Jhanda Dass, disciple of Guru Hazara Dass. Shri Manihar Dass, President of the Akhara, issued me an Identity Card No.00147/2001 dated 06.10.2001 in this behalf, a copy of which is attached herewith. When I was made impotent (as a devout Sadhu), for me the time was to stand in Ganga waters and undergo unbearable tortures and agonies. That pain and torture have since been revived again because now I have been served with illegal and motivated notice about the house which was duly gifted to me.”  

In reply to the notice, as also to explain his above-said painful story, he has written to higher authorities, i.e., Hon’ble Capt. Amarinder Singh, Chief Minister, Punjab., Shri Anurag Verma, Deputy Commissioner, Ludhiana and Block Development and Panchayat Officer, Ludhiana-2 (Block Mangat) vide Registered Letter Nos.824, 825 and 826 dated 21.8.2003 respectively. But Jhanda Singh was hesitant from telling the complete story due to the presence of other persons there. His name had been changed to Jhanda Dass in a torturous and highly painful way by keeping him standing in Ganga waters and making him impotent and hapless.  

It is pertinent to state here that why the Sadhus selected Ganga waters for the child of a Sikh family to make him a Sadhu after his castration in a brutal and torturous way. Similar treatment is being meted out to such other children whom due to poverty and adversity of their parents, Sadhus bring to Akharas and Deras for their own use and for collecting funds in their names. Suspicion cannot be ruled out as there is every likelihood that they might be sent out for their misuse and exploitation.  

It is clear that if at the time of strangulation of testicles, not tolerating pains of torture any child becomes a victim of heart attack and dies, then the Sadhus must be resorting to throwing him into the waters and thereby culminating into his death. Secondly, resorting to keeping standing a child in Ganga waters and making him impotent in that way might have been deemed necessary by Sadhus because of fear that the victim child should not be in a position to try to escape and run away. In that event, the Sadhus must have planned to kill him by drowning even though he was to cry and clamour. This all remains confidential and secret confined only to the heads of akharas and deras.  

Whosoever is selected by Sadhus for castration, the place of Ganga waters might be the marked location of destination. Is there any agency or some other justice friendly organizations or the Press, who have the courage and guts to take up such issues, investigate them and go deep into the details of such vituperous and inhuman incidents of treatments of children at the Akharas and Deras of Sadhus? Social Service Societies and other like organizations have been taught and trained to work only for selfish motives, profits and for promoting themselves as politicians. The Government also provide/give them with needed publicity through media.  

It appears the investigation is not possible in “My Great India” where governments are run on the strength of akharas and deras and the Sadhus who head them, even though they are culprits of doing obnoxious and inhuman misdeeds.

The above Jhanda Singh has stated that (Sant Baba) Balwant Singh, Sidhsar, Sihore-wale (Sahaura) Sahib, owns many lands and properties in and out of Punjab. Thousands of children belonging to the poor families, have been kept there by him in association with other Sadhus. He further said that he was not in a position to narrate the treatment they get from the Sadhus. With great humility, he requested us to ponder over the fact that those barbarous persons who went up to the extent of mercilessly castrating him, must be capable of doing whatever barbaric they liked, with those children. There are countless children like him who have been made impotent mercilessly and their condition is inexpressible.  

The Jaswant Singh of a Sikh family, who was made Jhanda Singh and then Jhanda Dass, is aggrieved and horrified. Two years back, Balwant (Sadhu) of Sihora (Sahoura), had thought it wise to keep him as a Granthi (in the form of a Baptised Amritdhari Sikh) at Village Bhaman Khurd, Tehsil & District: Ludhiana through his some trusted friends. Thereafter, he abandoned the idea of laying down foundation stone of a Gurdwara by a great pomp and show together with some Amritdhari Sikhs at Village Bhaman Khurd and instead laid down foundation of the house of Jaswant Singh turned Jhanda Singh turned Jhanda Dass.  

It is also probable that Sant Balwant of Sihore-wale (Sahaura), in association with Sadhus of other Akharas, might have hatched conspiracy to play a game of keeping this place as headquarter. And it is also likely that now this plan might have been changed whereby his house at Bhaman Khurd was to be demolished and thereafter by taking him again to Sihora (Sahaura) Dera or to some other place, he was to be finished (murdered). It must be investigated by an independent and impartial agency so that Jhanda Singh till now known by different names, is protected and his life is saved. It is imperative because due to disclosure of this secret, the real gory picture of these so-called Sadhus has been unearthed. At the same time, a question marked has also been put on the silence of Indian political parties, administrative set-up, Intelligence agencies and the Press, which cannot be easily removed!  

Dated: 22.08.2003  

Balbir Singh Sooch, Advocate

Human Rights Activist

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Copyright © Balbir Singh Sooch, Chief and Spokesperson, Sikh Vichar Manch, Ludhana, Punjab (India)