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Was It a Sign of Slavery? 

SGPC unveils Nanakshahi calendar in Amritsar 

Presently, the opposition to the amended Nanakshahi calendar was symbolic as one of the issues being kept alive forever, to maintain division within Sikhs. 

At whose instance, the symbolic opposition always there to every issue related to Sikh affairs?

Who is responsible for all this, only time may answer? 

Were the oppositions always to Sikh issues stage managed? 

Is the practice, intentional and deliberate, on the part of so-called and planted radical group(s) to harm Sikhs physically, politically and religiously for their disadvantage and to the advantage of anti-Sikh forces? 

Was it not a part and parcel of the divide and rule policy? 

Was it a sign of slavery?

By Balbir Singh Sooch, Advocate,

March 15, 2010

Related also to Sikhs

Non-ritualistic faith explained briefly and in a very simple form by Mr. ThosPayne.* 

Sikh - Guru Granth Sahib
By ThosPayne*  

Ever wonder about those dark-skinned guys with turbans and beards? They're probably Sikhs.

In the Punjabi language, the word "Sikh" means "learner," or "disciple." Sikhism is the newest of the world's major religions, being founded by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, (1469-1539) who was born near Lahore, a part the Punjab that was ceded by the British in 1948 as Pakistan.

Guru (meaning "teacher" or "guide") Nanak, at age thirty, received a revelation to teach all willing to listen that the path to enlightenment and God were not the exclusive property of any single religion. Nanak rejected all forms of idolatry and taught a strict monotheism centered on the brotherhood of all humanity. Nanak also rejected discrimination by caste or gender inequality and all forms of oppression, including religious exclusivity.

The Sikhs consider their founder Guru Nanak to be an enlightened man, but nothing more. Nanak was married and had two sons and a sister, but none of them are considered especially sacred by Sikhs.

After Nanak, there were nine more Sikh gurus. Their collected teachings and writings were compiled into a body of scripture called the Sri Guru Granth Sahib. This text is considered as the last guru. The Guru Granth consists mostly of hymns, aphorisms and religious text authored by Sikh, Muslim and Hindu saints and poets.

Sikhs believe in a single formless and incomprehensible supreme being who manifests in all major religions.

Guru Nanak warned of the dangers of egotism (haumai, 'I am') and called upon Sikh followers to meditate on God as the word "Naam." (the term implies a formless and transcendent Reality). He warned against hypocrisy and falsehood, saying that although they are pervasive throughout humanity, they nullify all positive religious actions.

Sikhs practice their faith in three simple ways:

- Naam Japna: Ceaseless devotion to God, in which each breath can be a prayer;

- Kirat Karo: Earning a living honestly without exploiting others or engaging in fraud;

- Va Chakk: Sharing with others and helping anyone in need.

Anyone, irrespective of their beliefs, gender or color may enter a Sikh gudwara (temple). Food is always offered free to all who enter.

Various sources estimate that there are 23 or 24 million Sikhs, making it the fifth largest organized religion in the world.

The turban is worn to cover a Sikh male's uncut hair, one of the five symbols of faith that baptized Sikhs wear at all times. They are sometimes referred to as the Five K's:

- Kesh - uncut hair and beard;

- Kanga - a wooden comb worn beneath the turban;

- Kara - an iron bracelet worn to serve as a reminder for Sikhs to follow the morals of their faith.

- Kachera - a specific style of cotton underwear;

- Kirpan - a curved sword represented by a small dagger worn by baptized Sikhs at all times to remind them to defend the helpless.

"I observe neither Hindu fasting nor the ritual of the Muslim Ramadan month;
Him I serve who at the last shall save.
The Lord of universe of the Hindus, Gosain and Allah to me are one;
From Hindus and Muslims have I broken free.
I perform neither Kaaba pilgrimage nor at bathing spots worship;
One sole Lord I serve and no other.
I perform neither the Hindu worship nor the Muslim prayer;
To the Sole Formless Lord in my heart I bow. We neither are Hindus nor Muslims;
Our body and life belong to the One Supreme Being who alone is both Ram and Allah for us."
(Guru Arjan, Guru Granth Sahib, Raga Bhairon page 1136)

Guru Gobind Singh Sahib’s Final Order Be Followed

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