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Be Cautious! Everywhere There Is the State of Terrorism;






If Ajmal Amir Kasab`s sentence executed and hanged till death immediately, he shall have to die a sudden death and once only! If his sentence of death converted to life imprisonment, he would die daily again and again till his natural death!

 Who do not understand the difference may call myself, the Commentator a traitor of the country for expressing differently? God may bless them.

In case the Learned judge feels that Ajmal Amir Kasab alive is mightier than the Indian State and observed, "In the court`s opinion, Kasab has no chance to reform. Keeping such a terrorist alive will be a lingering danger to the society and the Indian government," and the judge cited the example of the Kandahar hijack case in which arrested terrorists were swapped for the passengers held hostage and said "If Kasab is kept alive, this situation may occur again."

I don`t doubt the integrity of judge and his capability for projecting the weakness of my country i.e. India.
The view was expressed by me without any politics in mind and reading even the operative part of the judgment or going into appreciation of the evidence on record or the lacunas left in prosecution story in absence of the other accused staying abroad, being mentioned in the conspiracy and without understanding the gravity of offence committed by him alone.

I also don`t know even as to how he was slave of the circumstances to join in committing the offences, for which, he was so seriously being hatred and severely punished? My ignorance may not be taken as his defence in any manner.

Comment by
Balbir Singh Sooch, Advocate,

 May 6, 2010 8:11 PM (IST);;

Be Cautious! Everywhere There Is the State Terrorism!
Egypt escalates `War on Nuclear Weapons`;

By Balbir Singh Sooch, Advocate, Ludhiana

We should not assume or presume individually either way on the question of security alerts and such routine warnings widely communicated to general public in the name of public safety and security by the country of its own or collectively in connivance with other countries.

To fix you!  The country or the countries without naming here specifically, as it is also difficult to do so, seem(s) to have created selectively a "bad society` everywhere to take responsibility for the acts done by the state terrorists i.e. by "The State Terrorism`, if you dare to deny the existence and the acts of individual(s) terrorism or falsify the security alerts and such routine warnings widely communicated almost daily.

It was rightly said that "for years it has been a weapon of choice in hot spots across the globe, from Iraq to Sri Lanka to Colombia: Cars or trucks loaded with explosives, detonated in busy markets, public squares and government buildings`.

Do you wish to live, enjoy a life full of smiles and happiness, successfully with contentment and peace, believe in your efforts and God will believe in your dreams and do not put break if you come across sad moments in your life. No path is complete without failures?

Whosoever understands and lives accordingly, is his sign of perfection! Or is sign of his marching towards tasting as to what is the human perfection?

For your reference, "A Positive Approach about God`s Act` if you are believer in God! And do not belong to the bad society ", may have been created for your safety by Him for security alerts and the routine warnings.

A Positive Approach About God`s Act:

Whosoever remains within His Command (Let us take to His Sanctuary and obey Him (Accept your righteous actions including negatively passed a part of life i.e. within the command of God), and be happy with whatever He does.), never repent or feel sad, always be satisfied.

As I understood His command (God`s Act) and always consoled so.
Mental Capacity to Resolve and to Dance on Tune, Bestowed By God

That, whatever, we do and perceive, there were and are the plays assigned to us by God, nothing was more or less than this to my own perception in human life.

The limitations of the mental capacity made me to finally understand this to my satisfaction.
I did resolve and dance on HIS tune as per the capacity, bestowed by HIM.
It is not a question of my victory or failure, but, everything is known to HIM.
In case, the science or the time proves me wrong, henceforth, it should be known as my failure, not of God.

Whatever, I said, it is very much true to me, experienced based on my personal as well as joint family life from my childhood ".

I learned and experienced nothing new as Baba Nanak already concluded and said, By obeying, O Nanak! The pre-ordained order of the Lord of will. " " "All are subject to His fiat and none is exempt from His fiat. O Nanak ! if man were to understand Lord`s fiat, then no one would take pride "

In the context above, we have to obey Baba Nanak, If thou yearnest to play the game of love (truth),  step on to my path, with thy head placed on palm of thy hand "

By Balbir Singh Sooch, Advocate, Ludhiana

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